Double Loop Wind Tunnel Freefall Simulator vwt4372ffs is a cutting edge engineering,first in the world 4,3m in diameter & 5m high all break proof glass made, completely circular & frameless, high tech wind tunnel - indoor skydiving facility, performing laminar air flow powered by 4 engines/fans with maximum operating speed 300+km/h. Wind tunnel is designed for Military & Sport training and Fun flights.
VWT-FFS-4372 Double Loop tunnel construction and its technology equipment are optimized for a professional use of sportsmen, army troop as well as general public and schools.Optimization of the fan can be performed on any other scenario of the use of the tunnel (like only sport tunnel utilization, or only to tourism utilization, military and special training purposes, or eventual their combination...). Optimization means a proper selection of tunnel dimensions, fans and engines parameters for proposed purposes to gain an optimal ratio between desired performance and operational costs.
Dimensions and technical parameters of this tunnel offer the best conditions for the professional requirements on speed, space and height. Its size provides ample space for the entire training even of group formations of eight skydivers. Tunnel with 4,3 m of flying chamber diameter is the perfect place for training of army parachutes and special troops with their specific equipment. From tourist's point of view, the tunnel offers comfortable space even for flying couples with instructors or other smaller groups.
Thanks to a comprehensive fan optimization the, tunnel allows operation of profi-flights as well as fun-flights at very low operation costs.
Materials and Dimensions
Air conductors in the aboveground part of the tunnel are made of sheet steel.
All steel elements are provided with corrosion protection.
Tunnel skin is made by sound-insulation panels KINGSPAN.
Net dimensions of the tunnel are:
width 30 m
depth 10 m
height 32 m
The typical depth of foundation of ground concrete structure is 7,5 m.
The typical height of the tunnel above the ground is 24 m.
Flight chamber
Flight chamber consists of a glass part, which is on its top connected to a steel construction of tunnel shell. Lower part of the flight chamber is purely cylindrical with a diameter of 4,3 m and a height of 5 m. The upper part of a flight chamber is made from steel and its height is 9 m. The shape of this part of flight chamber is gradually changing from a circular diameter of 4,3 meters to circular diameter 4,3 x 4,3 m.
The overall maximum height of flight chamber 14 m
The height of the glass part of flight chamber 5 m
Diameter of flight chamber 4,3 m
Maximum speed
Maximum air speed at which the tunnel can be operated continuously is 80+ m/s (300+ km/h).
Simple Business Plan for your introduction
............4,3m Skydive Arena Project in Europe:
1. 4,3m Technology & Steel Construction:---2.672.000 euro
2. Air Conditioning--------------------- --------------303.000 euro
3. Delivery - -------------------------------------------- ±60.000 euro
4. Concreet Foundation creation all included-- 600.000 euro
5. Assembling & Launch all included-------- ----750.000 euro
6. Territory renovation -------------------------------150.000 euro
7. Exterior & Interior all included ----------------- 500.000 euro
8. Electric Connection 1450kw --------------------- 50.000 euro
9. Architecture plan------------------------------------- 50.000 euro
10. Building Permission------------------------------- 50.000 euro
11. ALL Other supplies----------------------- up to 200.000 euro
12. LAND-------------------------------------------------- Leasing
12. LAND-------------------------------- Leasing
Operating Prices
FF- fun flight / 1200euro
SF- sport flight / 700euro
******** SALES & INCOME***********
Average Daily Sales: 9hrs
30% FF=1200 EURO + 70% SF=700euro = 7.800 euro
a. Monthly Sales: 270hrs = 234.000 euro
b. Yearly Sales: 3240hrs = 2.847.000 euro
Extra Income :
c. +dvd's+coaching+gear rent / year = +300.000 euro
****************SPENDS ********************
1. Celeries per month :
a. 8 Instructors / 600 euro/month= 4800euro
b. 3 Reception ladies / 400 euro/month=1200 euro
c. 2 building cleaners / 300 euro/ month=600 euro
d. 2 Securities / 600 euro / month=1200 euro
e. 1 Accountant / 1200 euro/month = 1200 euro
f. 1 Manager / 2000 euro / month= 2000 euro
2. Communications:
a. ±2000 euro/ month
3. Advertisement:
a. ± 3000 euro / month
...........Total spends per month (# 1+2+3) = 16.000 euro
4. Electricity : 0,125 euro cents/1kw
a. Fun Flight - 90hrs x 300kw/hr x 0,125 =3.345 euro
b. Sport Flight - 180hrs x 700kw/hr x 0,125 =15.750 euro
Total Electricity Spends (# 4) per month= ±19.095 euro
TOTAL SPENDS (#1+2+3+4) per month = ±34. 845 euro
Profit per month = ±224.150 euro
PROFIT per Year = ±2.689.800 euro
Total Investment-----------------------±5.365.000euro
Skydive Arena Project investments return ±3 years.
When we apply USD$as a local & operational currency instead of euro,
Skydive Arena Project investments return ±4 years.